
The Alaska Department of Education has extensive curriculum resources. All PSD approved curricula are aligned with the Alaska Common Core Standards.  The Curriculum Page of the Department of Education may be accessed HERE.

Social Studies

12th Grade American Government Overview

12th Grade American Government Curriculum

12th Grade Alaska History Overview

12th Grade Alaska History Curriculum

11th Grade U.S. History Overview

11th Grade U.S. History Curriculum

Vietnam War Elective Overview

Global Conflicts Elective Outline

World History Overview

World History Curriculum

World Cultures Elective Overview

8th Grade U.S. History

7th Grade Geography

6th Grade Social Studies Overview

6th Grade Social Studies Curriculum

5th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade Social Studies Curriculum

3rd Grade Social Studies

2nd Grade Social Studies Curriculum

First Grade Social Studies

Kindergarten Social Studies


K - 5 Math Curriculum

High School Math Curriculum


 K-5 Science Curriculum 

6th Grade Life Science Curriculum

7th:8th Grade Physical Science Curriculum

7th:8th Grade Earth Science Curriculum

9th Grade Biology Curriculum

10th grade Intro Chemistry Curriculum

10th - 12th grade Marine Sciences Curriculum 

11th / 12th grade Anatomy Curriculum

11th / 12th Grade Chemistry Curriculum

11th / 12th grade Physics Curriculum

Aquaculture Curriculum

Aquaculture II Curriculum

Language Arts

K -5 English/Language Arts Curriculum

Seventh Grade Language Arts Curriculum

Eighth Grade Language Arts Curriculum

Freshman Language Arts Curriculum

Sophomore Language Arts Curriculum

Junior Language Arts Curriculum

Senior Language Arts Curriculum

Sixth through Twelfth Grade Writing Scope and Sequence

Health & PE

District PE Curriculum

K-5 Skills for Healthy Living Curriculum

K-5 Swim Curriculum

K-5 PE Curriculum

4th & 5th Grade Puberty Lesson

Stedman Puberty Parent Letter

Stedman Personal Safety Parent Letter

Middle School / High School Health Overview

Middle School / High School Health Curriculum

AK Safe Children's Act

K-12 Overview

Erin's Law K-5 Grade Curriculum

Erin's Law 6-8th Grade Curriculum

Erin's Law 9-12th Grade Curriculum

Bree's Law 7-8th Grade Curriculum

Bree's Law 9-12th Grade Curriculum

World Languages

World Languages Curriculum Review

Somos 1 Curriculum

Somos 2 Curriculum

Fine Arts

Shop -- Construction Curriculum

Shop -- Exploring Technology (X-Tech)

Shop -- Marine Fabrication

Shop -- Metalworking

Shop -- Small Engines

Shop -- Woodworking

Dramatic Arts 9-12

HS Yearbook Curriculum

HS Print Making and Design Curriculum

HS Photography Curriculum

Middle School Art Curriculum

HS Jewelry Curriculum

HS General Art Curriculum

HS Advanced Art Curriculum

HS Culinary Arts Curriculum

HS Music Curriculum

K - 5 Fine Arts Curriculum