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Bridey Short
6th Grade Teacher/ MS Social Studies
Middle School

Timothy Shumway
English Language Arts Teacher / American Gov't / AK History
High School

Winter Skeek
Food Service Aide
High School

Megan Smith
Math Teacher
High School

Hannah Smith
Middle School Science
Middle School

Karla Sosa

Robyn Taylor

Tyler Thain
Elementary PE/Swim
Elementary School

Tanya Thynes
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Rebecca Thynes
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Debi Tice
Elementary Librarian / Intervention
Elementary School

Annica Tomlinson
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Blaine Volk
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Beau Ward
English Teacher
Middle School

Ioana Ward
Science Teacher
High School

Christy Ware
Instructional Assistant
Elementary School

Keely Ware
Instructional Assistant

Alice Williams
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School

Jakyle Williams
Tech Support

Erin Willis
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School